
Mostrando las entradas de 2018
COLORS What is the difference between  Color  and  Colour ? Both words mean the same thing and its spelling depends on the country where the word is written. The word  Color  is used in United States. The word  Colour  is used in the rest of the English-speaking countries (England, Australia, NZ etc.) The names of the more common colours in English appear in the chart below: List of Animal Names in English There are different types of animals, and the two main differences are that some animals are domesticated, which are the ones that have a strong relationship with humans, and others are wild. Wild animals live in nature, usually, these animals are not in contact with humans since they live in areas apart from civilization. Another way of classifying the animals is according to where they live, like horses who live in farms, or bears that dwell in the mountains. Farm Animals These are the animals that live on a far...